Physical Address
357 Agency Rd,
Lapwai, ID 83540
Physical Address
357 Agency Rd,
Lapwai, ID 83540
Two Nez Perce elders who have devoted their lives to the good of their people were honored by the tribe’s senior advisory board and senior citizens center.
Steve Reuben and Vera Sonneck were named the 2023 Nez Perce Tribe male and female Elders of the Year. Both were presented a certificate, a Pendleton blanket, and a gift bag in thanks for their dedication to the tribe.
The event took place on August 29th at the Clearwater Casino event center. Nez Perce Tribe Executive Committee (NPTEC) Chaplain, Ashton Picard, opened the ceremony with a song and prayer.
Steve Reuben is a proud Vietnam Veteran. He often brings in the flags during grand entry at pow wows.
Vera Sonneck has been involved in teaching the Nez Perce language and passing down the stories and history.
The Nez Perce Elder of the Year Awards has been an annual event in which Nez Perce Tribal elders are nominated by other Nez Perce seniors. The presentation included stories and tributes by family members of the two recipients, members of the Nez Perce senior advisory board, NPTEC Vice-Chair Mary Jane Miles, and community members.
Qe’ciyew’yew, thank you, Steve and Vera for all you do for the Nez Perce people.